Buy your garlic locally or grow your own!

What do we have today? Garlic and two main importers, China and Canada.

Q: Why do they both look different?
A: One is from China and one is from Canada.
Q: Where does most of the BB store garlic come from?
A: Over 80% is from China.
Q: Why is the bottom of the China garlic cut off and concave?
A: It’s required for importing and if it’s lighter, it’s a cheaper duty tax.
Q: Why is Canadian garlic being pushed out of the market?
A: It leaves the fields in China being sold at $0.10 a pound, and Canada can’t compete with the final price point.
Q: Why won’t chefs use China garlic?
A: It’s has a metallic taste to it and it’s bleached. Way to many questions and not enough answers.

Out of curiosity, you might want to check your garlic.

We throw it out there, but at the end of the day, you do you! ?
Give yourself permission to eat good quality food. We think your worth it!