DIY Evaporated Milk


3 1/2 cups farm fresh whole milk


  1. Place milk in a heavy bottom(non-stick) sauce pan.
  2. Bring to a slow simmer over medium heat, stirring occasionally to make sure it’s not getting scorched on the bottom of the pan.
  3. Continue to simmer and periodically stir until milk reduces by at least half. This can take between 25-45 minutes, depending on your stove temperature.
  4. Strain it through a sieve(possibly a second time as it cools), then store in a glass container in the fridge for up to a week.

True to its name, evaporated milk is nothing more than thickened and concentrated milk, by way of evaporation of water content to about half of its original weight.

Tip: Dairy free milks like nut milks and soy milk will work just fine!

diy evaporated milk
There’s nothing better than taking a household staple like milk and turning it into something you need!