DIY Ghee


2 lb. of farm fresh butter


Preheat your oven to 250 degrees.

Chunk up your butter(don’t pre-melt).

Place chunks into a 9×13 glass(so there’s no reaction to the metal) baking dish.

When your oven has reached temp., put your butter in.

Set your ovens timer for 1 hour. Walk away and let it work its magic.

When the time is up, carefully remove the baking dish from the oven.

First you’ll want to skim off anything large that’s floating on the top of the ghee. Using a cheese cloth and fine sieve, carefully strain the ghee(it’s golden yellow) from the baking dish. We poured it from the corner of the baking dish and it worked just fine. We strained the ghee into a mixing bowl twice. Then poured it into a mason jar to cool. There may be a little that remains close to the casein and lactose(they’re both white in color) at the bottom of the baking dish, so don’t worry about getting it 100% of it out. Hint: Our dogs like anything that remains once the ghee is removed, so nothing is ever wasted. We won’t recommend it for your fur babies, we’ll only tell you what works for us.

Helpful information:

The smoke point for ghee is 485 degrees and butter is 350.

You’ll end up with about 24 oz. or 3 cups of ghee when it’s done.

What you skim off of the top is delicious cooked in some eggs. It adds a rich nutty(sounds odd, but trust the process) flavor.