Make Your Own Nutella

  • 1 cup hazelnuts(organic if possible)
  • 1 tbsp. oil or butter
  • 1/2 tsp. vanilla
  • 1/8(pinch of salt)
  • 1/2 cup powdered sugar(use a little less if using a keto powdered sugar)
  • 1/4 cup cocoa powder

Roast nuts in a dry skillet(medium heat) until they're lightly browned and the skins are starting to blister and fall off. 
Pour nuts into a towel and wrap it securely around the nuts and rub them around until you see that the skins are pretty much all removed.
Put the skinned nuts into a food processor or whatever you have, that can pretty much do the same thing.
Grind them until they form a paste. The mixture will be warm and remain warm until you're done doing everything. Use a spatula as often as needed. 
Once you have a fairly smooth paste, add the oil/butter(we used melted ghee and light olive oil).
Grind the mixture to incorporate the butter/oil.
Next add the vanilla, salt, sugar, cocoa powder, blend it all together. Slowly add additional butter, oil or ghee until you reach your personal preference on thickness.

Helpful hints:

Be very careful and slow if you're adding(which you will) more butter, oil or ghee to get to the consistency you prefer. If you rush this part, it may end up to thin.

A melted ghee works great and if you use butter, it will help if it's soft. 

If you're using a keto powdered sugar, you may want to use a bit less. Keto sugars have a tendency to make things quite sweet.

Don't be afraid to (slowly) add more butter or oil. It helps tremendously getting to that final creamy texture.

Having some skin remaining on the nuts is perfectly fine.    
Delicious chocolatey hazelnut butter!