Maple Mustard Chicken Meatballs

They are delish!

A modified version of the maple mustard sauce meatballs recipe:
Mix together….
1 lb. raw gound chicken(sausage or beef would probably work) be creative
1/4 cup buckwheat flour(for the health benefits)
1 egg
seasonings are what you like, we used(no exact measuring):
Curry powder
Garlic powder
Six pepper blend

Shape into small meatballs(not exact)
Place them into a 13 by 9(sprayed) baking dish and sprinkle with a bit more paprika. It makes them look nice.

Make your sauce:
1/4 cup brown mustard
1/4 cup maple syrup
1 cup heavy cream
Mix altogether and pour over your meatballs.
Hint: The sauce is delish and you might want to double the batch. Just sayin! ?

Bake covered for 25 minutes on 350.
Remove the foil and bake uncovered for another 5 minutes.

The meatballs are a stand alone grab and go. Add a salad and sweet potato ? you have a meal. Slice them thin on a flatbread fried in a skillet topped with mozzarella cheese, you have lunch.
