Quick and easy farm fresh strawberry-chia jam.

What’s for breakfast? ?

It’s strawberry ? season, so why not make some “fresh”, 2 minute jam for on you PB sandwich. Tried and tested as of this morning.

Nothing was measured, so we’ll give you approximates. This makes a very small batch, so you can adjust to your needs.

1/4 cup cleaned and smashed strawberries ?
1 tbsp. chia seeds
1 tbsp. monk fruit sweetener
Mix it together, put it in a small skillet ? on low heat. Stir until the chia seeds pop(soften, swell). We’re not sure what they do, but they remind us of tapioca. When you see it’s thickened, remove it from the heat. Let it cool, we added a bit of buckwheat honey ? done!

“Do your best to eat clean and green, cause you only have one chance to get it right!” ?

Fresh food is life sustaining life.
Boxed food is bringing something to life to make it edible. Just sayin!

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