The Circle of Life

The beautiful circle of life on the farm. This beautiful momma pig(sow) is resting comfortably, while the piglets stay warm, safe and sound. Of course, having a good farm dog to watch over everything, makes for a good day! This image is also a great way to start educating the consumer and casual onlooker. What the momma pig is behind is what’s called a farrowing crate. These crates were first introduced in the 60’s. The main purpose for them, is to lower the risk of piglets being crushed by the sow(big momma). For our small “rural” farms, and not to be mistaken for a CAFO(aka factory farm), farrowing crates keep everyone safe. As you can see, they’re all happy and fast asleep! 😉
We were given permission to use this image taken by: Ron Pletcher and all rights reserved.